Other ensembles

English Baroque Ensemble

Managed by the Thames Chamber orchestra, the English Baroque Ensemble is a group of varying size specialising in the performance of music in the Baroque and Early Classical periods. It has appeared at music clubs and festivals in various parts of the country and its concerts at London’s Purcell Room have invariably attracted large audiences and critical acclaim in the national press.

“ In the English Baroque Ensemble we possess some of the finest English chamber music players, a team of flute, oboe and continuo capable, as they proved at the Purcell Room last night, of the most excellent solo and ensemble playing we are likely to hear.”

Thames Chamber Ensemble

The TCE was formed by principal players in the Thames Chamber Orchestra who wished to perform smaller scale Romantic and Twentieth Century works.

For further information on ensembles run by the TCO management please contact them at +44 208 894 2068 or email info@ThamesChamberOrchestra.co.uk