Press cuttings
The Landmark Arts Centre, Teddington, Middlesex. Saturday, May 23rd. 1998.
"Keith Marshall conducted the excellent Thames Chamber Orchestra in the difficult string accompaniment with great sensitivity, to produce, in partnership with his soloist, the best live performance of the Glazounov I have heard for a very long time".
Paul Harvey
“The performance, as with Haydn and Mozart in the rest of the programme ....was a model of careful preparation and fulfilled potential.”
With some of the best string players in London in the orchestra, its excellence could almost be taken for granted........they played alertly, brilliantly and securely.
Long Newnton Festival May 1998
"The programme for the first concert consisted of well known
music from the Baroque period and was given by the Thames Chamber
Orchestra under its conductor Keith Marshall. The rich sonority
of the opening string chords, with excellent tonality, proved that
this was a quality ensemble par excellence and the capacity audience
settled down to an evening of the utmost enjoyment, beginning with
a Concerto by Handel."
HAYDN The Creation
Sheldonian Theatre Oxford
Oxford Bach Choir
"The Thames Chamber Orchestra's accompaniment was most efficient
with first class tone, excellent ensemble and comprehensive quality."
The Thames Chamber Orchestra....played with excellent attack, a warm sonority and pliant phrasing.